
Tony is mostly self taught. He was inspired by an introduction to pottery with Brian Stone at Teacher training college in Wimbledon in the early 1970's. His first pottery was set up in Clerkenwell, London, making functional tableware for Covent Garden market and started to make replica items for the British Museum. A move to the New Forest in 1981 allowed him to expand his work with the British Museum reproducing items ranging from Tang dynasty figures to ancient Egyptian blue hippotamus.  He has also made V&A museum copies of Della Robbia figurines and an alphabet of illuminated letter tiles.


Tony works on bespoke fabrication for the artist, designers as well as museums.  He works across a range of materials including earthenware, stoneware, porcelain and plaster. Clients include the Saskia Pomeroy, Camilla Webb-Carter, The Wessex Institute and the Victoria and Albert Museum. He uses an in house modeller and with 40 years of experience of mould making- there isn't much he hasn't tried.


Recently, Tony has come full circle and has been teaching advanced pottery throwing courses at Stepney City Farm, London. These give him the opportunity to teach the next generation and impart his years of pottery knowledge.


Still making functional thrown tableware, he works to order or towards a fair or sale. Tony specialises in pieces for the cook and budding chef; recently making a range of fermentation crocks and vinegar jars.